Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I'm Home

Getting home and completing the story of a trip is no easy task. After experiencing 11 days of God moments, memories, and incredible situations, it's difficult to sum it up. I'll bullet point a few stories and events.

  • We distributed approximately 22,000 books to students in Choloma, Honduras.
  • More than 4,000 people attended our GodMan presentations throughout the week.
  • We sweat more than 15 hours a day.
  • We ate at the same buffet 8 times. (the owner was so happy he gave us t-shirts and clocks)
  • I swam through a cave in the Caribbean Sea.
  • I watched US students fall in love with missions.
  • We saw incredible miracles take place in front of us.
    • Here's A Story from Liz McMahan's xanga "God had been called upon in that service for salvation, for healings, for repentance, and for the return of a grandson, that had been kidnapped on June 7, the felons requesting millions from the poor family in return. The pastor asked me to pray for them. I have no children of my own, and I didn't even have the words to say, so I remembered in Romans 8:26 to pray in a way that only the Spirit understands. God will hear. For a half of an hour, I prayed with the grandparents of an 11 yr old boy named Richard. I fully expected God to cause those men to carry that young boy through the church doors at that moment. So much so, I kept looking to the entrance. Nothing. After a while, we got off of our knees, stopped crying, and it was as if God said now wait. But the Pastor wanted me to pray more. I was frustrated with God at that moment. We have all authority in heaven, what about the power of Jesus' name? This could not be God's will for that boy to suffer harm. We stopped praying and waited. Nothing. Meanwhile, an old lady asked me to pray for her right leg which was in grave pain. She moved with a walker and cried out it hurt so bad. No wound, just unexplainable pain. God did not heal her then. Why not? I went to bed asking the team to keep praying for Richard and went to bed, not questioning God's power, just asking about His motives for waiting. I couldn't sleep much. The next day we went to the same church, danced and praise God with more energy and when it was all done ( 8 kids scattered around me ) the Pastor said someone had a testimony to tell. He pointed at the Grandparents that were in my row of seats and said that Richard had been found last night!!! I kid you not, I stood up and shouted, "Sweet Jesus, that is so exciting!" Then I sat down because everyone was looking at me. They went up to the front, and started telling how he had been tied up and blind folded to the back of a non moving bus. Someone in the town had found him and returned him to his parents LAST NIGHT!!! They called me and we hugged and cried and praised God more! Amazing, God is simply amazing. He had indeed used His power to return the boy to his parents as we wept for his life.
I thank God for his faithfulness during the entire trip. Again and again I lived in his faithfulness, survived by his faithfulness, and ministered by his faithfulness.


At 28/6/06 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for being such an awesome leader...thanks for all the time and work that you put into this trip. We truly did see God work in some amazing ways. Thanks for loving people and thanks for your heart for are awesome. Thanks...Ash

At 12/7/06 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had an amazing trip. I went to Peru in '03 and, I would love to go on another missions journey. I wish I could hear the stories from the trip in person!


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