Wednesday, August 02, 2006

stuff I've learned so far...

- Crusty is not a good clown name.
- You can drink 10 bottles of water and not go to the bathroom.
- Hot weather messes with your mind. (Like people crawing around in Pastor Dave's house and walking around out side with 4-inch heel and shorts...Kacy)
- In boston, tonic is pop. But pop is soda. So I have no idea how to order a Diet Coke.
- You can accidentall walk into a stranger's house when passing out flyers.
- Our team doesn't mind playing in fountains with 6-year olds.
- Phil looks good in pink shower sandals. (This is his foot, and he did pull a muscle....and he does wear these at the YMCA for showering.)
- And peanuts do not grow on trees, but underground...according to our AirTran pilot.


At 2/8/06 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Travis...thats really deep. Tell phil that pinks for girls and not to try to do stuff he to old to do like pulling you leg by your head. Oh and tell everyone LukeyPoo says "hey" or "sup" or both if you like. anyway post again soon.


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